Monday, October 18, 2010

Neusoft Nokia To bring children out of the "Chinese courtyard"

"We are two sides to cooperate in the intimacy, until the past two days, we suddenly found that Nokia and Neusoft LOGO brand will not only have the letter 'N' at the beginning, but also with corporate color is blue. In fact, Nokia and Neusoft has a rare karma. "Yanba, Nokia Enterprise Solutions business unit general manager and Neusoft Liu Qiang, general manager of product marketing for network security Gu Yansheng smiled and raised both hands to present the media had prepared a good LOGO brand.

And for all of the media is unexpected, Neusoft, Nokia 2007, the year-end co-operation in such a relaxed inventory was actually "show" link in the slowly began.

May 2007, Nokia and Neusoft announced the field of network security to start a closer strategic cooperation. According to an agreement was signed, both sides will be "phased in more in-depth China technology, products and sales co-operation", cooperation involves joint design, development, production and sales of a series of co-brand product; same time, Neusoft Huan Nokia network security platform will be the OEM supplier and the latter's general agent in China.

"Today, we have six months of age the twins, they grow faster, have to walk will run." Obviously, Liu Qiang said, "twins" refers to the first half of the joint launch of new products - 5200 -IP391 and 5200-IP561. At that time, many industry observers, the two products follows the name of Neusoft and Nokia both Product ID rules - "5200" is the Neusoft NetEye series firewall products are now used in high-end number, and "IP391 "and" IP561 "is fully consistent with the traditional number of Nokia products.


Out of the "Chinese courtyard"

Higher for this type of application firewall products, the final result of customer experience software and hardware combination that will be the overall product performance, So the Joint brand Chanpinwulun in hardware speed, stability or software Gong Nengshang not be any negligence . OEM cooperation links in order to maximize understanding, Neusoft and Nokia to open up to each other as much as possible the underlying code; the same time, Neusoft and Nokia both teams in product development, interface design, product test marketing has been to the division of labor have been conducted on clear close cooperation - in the pre-sale, sale, after-sales services, Neusoft is responsible for providing localized services in the foreground; Nokia technology in the background of committed support.

"Neusoft products each code is a down to write out." Liu Qiang hold this view have simply Neusoft called "China's Microsoft." Gu Yansheng told reporters, Neusoft and Nokia co-operation between the original plan is being implemented smoothly in accordance with not only the basic sales expected to reach in the past, but also successfully into the tobacco, financial and some other previously not involved in high-end industry market.

銆??鍦ㄤ粬浠殑蹇冪洰涓紝鍑濊仛浜嗕笢杞拰璇哄熀浜氬弻鏂瑰熀鍥犵殑杩欏鈥滃弻鑳炶儙鈥濓紝濡備粖宸茬粡韫掕窔鐫?蛋鍒颁簡涓浗甯傚満鐨勫ぇ闄㈠瓙閲岋紝骞朵笖鎱㈡參涓哄乏閭诲彸鑸嶇殑涓氬唴鐢ㄦ埛鍜屽悓琛屾墍鐔熻瘑锛屾墍鎺ュ彈銆?br />
Liu Qiang told reporters later revealed a more subtle message, Nokia and Neusoft future for closer co-operation, in addition to the two sides will continue to expand product lines, sub-sector market, not out of the market outside of China to cooperate . "A child's growth takes time, but we have to consider how these two children had just six months of age to go abroad, go through the storm, see the world, so that they can adapt to different market environment."


Let the "twins" sense of the word to the international market, not only prepared to "passport", but also to do the target market "visa."鍒樺己鍚慖T鍟嗙綉閫忛湶锛屽浠婁笉浣嗏?鎶ょ収鈥濆凡缁忔垚褰紝鈥滅璇佲?涔熷凡缁忎粠浜氬お鍖虹殑鍥藉鐜囧厛鍔炶捣銆?br />
Hand behind

There was nonetheless worried about Neusoft join forces with Nokia in the line of conflict due to accidental injury in the other. For this concern, Gu Yansheng do not see much need.鍏跺疄鏃╁湪鍚堜綔涔嬪墠锛屽弻鏂逛究宸插湪寰堝叏闈㈠湴鑰冭檻杩欎竴闂銆?Neusoft and Nokia jointly formed by the decision-making team of some models for both products have been adjusted, this "kill each other" might have been largely avoid.

In the press seems Shuangfang product in conjunction could Fugai the market after the more broad, Lianhe brand products made in China not only Manzu a drift towards Caigou customer demand, enabled some of the Guowaipinpai 鏇?interested in high-end customers Yuanyimaidan.鍥戒骇杞欢涓庡浗澶栫‖浠跺钩鍙扮殑鎼。瀹炵幇浜嗗搧鐗屼笌鎬т环姣旂殑鍙屽弻鎻愬崌锛岃繖鎵嶆槸鍙屾柟杩涜鍝佺墝鑱旀墜鐨勭湡瀹炵洰鐨勩?

"Not only have international R & D capability, but also with international perspective and international partners." Gu Yansheng have realized that, in order to quickly move towards internationalization, in addition to the hard conditions in a number of lay hints and also need to make arrangements on some of the soft conditions. As a successful global enterprise and founded in 1865, the century-old, Neusoft Nokia can offer mature nature of globalization into the channel and to the valuable international experience.

Neusoft and Nokia launched in 2007, expanded channel program smoothly, both the beginning of its more than 900 channels of commercial-owned team has now grown to nearly 2,000.涓庢鍚屾椂锛屽弻鏂瑰凡缁忓睍寮?簡鏂颁竴杞殑娓犻亾鍩硅璁″垝锛屼互鍚稿紩閭d簺瀵屾湁瀹炲姏鐨勬笭閬撳晢鍔犲叆鍒颁笢杞拰璇哄熀浜氱殑娓犻亾鍚堜綔浼欎即闃熶紞涓潵銆?Neusoft in tour events this year, the channel changed the other peers usual carpet bombing mode, there are destinations that "quality customers" concept, to concentrate on core markets and channels tour and training.

"This year in Wuhan and Guangzhou in October started the tour is preheating channels, we will officially launch in 2008, a comprehensive campaign." According to Gu Yansheng said, Neusoft will open the way to take across the board, Neusoft and Nokia both channels can equally participate in marketing and product sales in the past.

Channels to cover the market more quickly, has a strong direct sales capabilities Neusoft, the completion of the balance of direct sales and distribution operations, after carefully dropping a piece under.


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